Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Another Spektrum DX6i Failure

In another Lucy and Charlie Brown place kicking moment, a trim button cracked--AGAIN--in my newest DX6i while my excellent little Durafly Edge 540 Micro was in the air.

No up-trim button immediately after takeoff with too much down trim set, as if Satan himself messed with the radio before I took off.  It was too late in the day to attempt to mess with subtrim—no backlight.  I was able to coax my Edge 540 micro racer down with only a dislodged foam spinner. 

This continues my long hate affair with unbelievably crappy quality Spektrum radios.  Spektrum radios that have plastic trim buttons break like clockwork, creating a hazardous situation for you and those around your plane or helicopter.  From consistent lost links and Rx blackouts, to constant software bugs--many lethal--to bad stick potentiometers, to ridiculously low quality switches and buttons breaking at the worst possible time…

Spektrum radios are absolutely dangerous products that should be avoided at all cost.

I don’t even like watching someone fly a high powered model using a Spektrum brand radio, because I know from hard experience how often Spektrum radio control is lost, sending models careening completely out of control.

It is past time to start using Hitec Minima’s or Optima 6Ls on my tiny planes too.  They are a little heavier at 4g (caseless Minima 6E) or 6g (caseless Optima 6L)  and more expensive than a $10 OrangeRx at $35-$45.  But at least you get telemetry built-in to the 6L which will be great for ultra micros. 

Having a quality, reliable RC transmitter makes this transition a must.