Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Giveaway: 3x Spectrum AR500 5ch Rx

As I just got back, I'll give this one more week then award on May 15 2011.

Since I switched to Hitec Aurora, I have a lot of Spektrum stuff to unload.  First up, I'll be giving away a package of three Spektrum AR500 5 channel Receivers.  To become eligible to win:
  1. Leave a comment on this post from any account ID that is not anonymous. 
  2. In your comment, quote a link to any external www page where you have left a link back to any page on this blog.  Enter as many times as you like, but you must leave a unique link for each comment entry.
  3. Check back after April 30, 2011.
  4. I will use to choose and document a random number between 1 and the total number of entries.
  5. The person who left that comment number wins--e.g. a random drawing of the number 10 awards the 10th comment, below.
  6. I will show the winning # in this post along with the drawing documentation.
  7. The winner must email me a mailing address at  Your address information will remain private and never shared with anyone.
  8. I will reply to your email with a code word.
  9. Post that code word in another comment here from the same user ID as the winning comment number.
  10. You win!  Z8RC will mail your prize via USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation.
The winning comment number is:  #1!   
Please email a shipping address and I will send you a codeword to post as a comment here, to confirm your ID.